Home > Algebra calculators > Find the missing term in a perfect square trinomial calculator

Method and examples

1. Completing the square for quadratic equation
  1. `3x^2+5x+2`
  2. `9x^2+6x+1`
  3. `x^2+6x+9`

2. Determining if the polynomial is a perfect square
  1. `4x^2+4x+4`
  2. `x^2-4xy+4y^2`
  3. `30xy-25x^2y^2+9`

3. Find the missing term in a perfect square trinomial
Just enter only two known terms and don't enter anything for missing terms
  1. Find Missing Middle Term for `x^2+4`
  2. Find Missing Middle Term for `9x^2+16`
  3. Find Missing Middle Term for `81x^2+49`
  4. Find Missing Middle Term for `x^2+9`
  5. Find Missing First Term for `12x^2+9`
  6. Find Missing Last Term for `49x^2+56xy`
  7. Find Missing Middle Term for `25x^2+121y^2`
  8. Find Missing Middle Term for `9x^2+y^2`
  9. Find Missing Last Term for `x^4+6x^2`
  10. Find Missing Last Term for `x^4y^2-10x^2yz`

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